The People’s
Charter for
Democracy in
Calling for a planning system
that puts people, health and
the environment first.
The People’s Charter for Democracy in Planning has been developed by people who care, who want to stand up for communities across England. Join us.
What ever happened to localism? People should have the right to participate in, comment on, and contribute to what happens to their neighbourhood, as in Neighbourhood Plans. Give planning decisions back to councils and allow democractic participation in the planning process.
Felicity T
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Section 106 clauses are the only way to build social conditions into the development process, sitting employment and training targets for local labour and diverse groups in society, as well as equality objectives. These cannot be replaced by an Infrastructure levy.
Linda C
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I firmly believe corporate greed will destroy the environment and suck all the money out of communities.
Stuart D
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People must be allowed to have a say at what is built in their areas. The number of people on housing waiting list grows longer by the day and there is an immediate need for more social housing to be built not less. Shared ownership is not an option for...
Edwina E
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The Planning rules must be strengthened so that housing developments are adequately served by Public Transport.
If this requires the provision of new railway stations, or bus routes, then these must be in position before the development starts - the people do not have to automatically own a car to...
Roger B
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Local planning for local people. Power back to residents. Local is resilient. Small is so much more beautiful and can be long term. Better for everyone. Yes everyone
Grainne R
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These planning reforms are a shameful power grab, to the benefit of developers and landlords at the expense of communities and pretty much everyone else.
Andrew W
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Local councils should be brought back,and managed by people who live in that area, it would be easier then to tackle climate and other issues locally, every home could do something for their community, plant a tree in their garden,or plant in care homes gardens for the wellbeing...
Sarah M
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We need really-secure and really-affordable rented housing, and therefore need to be able to participate and to object where necessary within the planning system to resist developer priorities. Say NO to No say on planning.
Paul B
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Communitoes live in developments, not developers. All future developments should be guided by the needs of the community and sustainable future living considerations. Profiteering and railroading needs to be a thing of the past!
Niki G
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